Nursery One

Children of this age range like to know what comes next and learn really quickly to follow routines, gradually adapting to the ‘social rules’ that go with them.


They tell us what they are making and inform us of their progress. We talk to them about their work using the correct language e.g. ‘Tell me about your picture’. Open questions also encourage their language development and strengthen the purpose of the activity.

The planned programmes effectively promote the children’s personal, social and emotional development. The range of activities provided offers good opportunities for learning, and the staff work hard to foster the children’s self-confidence and their understanding of necessary rules and routines.

The children respond well to the expectations of the staff, they show consideration for others and have the ability to share their thought and ideas with the adults. The children make independent choices within the activities, many show sustained levels of concentration in their play. They also help to clear the toys and do so efficiently by learning to use the language associated with direction and position, they know where the materials are kept and handle them with care.

They have a large conservatory room where they spend quite a lot of their time with table top work, group time, ‘messy’ play etc. there is also a home corner which changes its theme every term e.g. home, shop, garage. A small area which is carpeted is used for Montessori learning, story time, music and movement, computer and television (with limited viewing).

In this class we provide every possibility for self help skills and independence. For example, during painting they learn to know that they need to have an apron, paper, paint pots and brushes to carry out their work. They help to clear up after they have finished. Group time is planned so as incorporate the early years curriculum. The children start to have name recognition and letter recognition. They learn pencil control and how to sit together for story time, which is interactive.

By using a wide range of Montessori equipments in a play capacity, the children build their confident ready for when they use this equipment for ‘real’. Sorting by colours, size and shape help towards mathematical skills.